The insurance company wants my sworn statement and/or an examination under oath, what do i do?
Sworn Statements and EUO’s (Examination Under Oath)
A EUO is a sworn statement that will bind you under the law that insurance companies try to use to their advantage. After a loss, your insurance company may demand that you sit for an EUO or provide a recorded sworn statement. This is an intimidation tactic commonly used by the insurer under the guise of investigating your claim. This is not done to help you. Rather, this is done to poke holes in your claim and support an insurer’s decision to deny or under pay your claim. Getting you to sit for a quasi deposition is yet another way the army of adjusters, investigators, and attorneys working for them will do everything in their power to intimidate and persuade you to accept less than your policy says you deserve. Contact Friedman Legal and we will provide you with the counsel and guidance you need.